Hysteroscopic metroplasty is not the only way to increase pregnancy rates in women with infertility who also have a septate uterus. It is recommended that further research is needed to evaluate benefits on live birth rates of surgical resection of uterine septum in women having fertility problems
A septate uterus in women is an inherited disorder in which a membrane known as septum divides the uterus, either partially or completely. While this condition will not affect a woman’s ability to conceive, but it can have an impact on the pregnancy’s outcome. A septate uterus is congenital abnormality of the womb (the uterus), where in the womb is divided into two cavities. Women having a septate uterus are running a risk for subfertility, recurrent miscarriages, and also preterm birth. The Surgical removal of the septum may improve these outcomes.
A uterine septum is, triangular shaped an upside-down piece of tissue which divides all or part of the uterine cavity into two parts. The tissue is a left-over remnant from normal, embryonic uterine development and is most commonly discovered using a HSG (hysterosalpingogram).
Uterine septum is a congenital anomaly in female’s reproductive tract. Research is still on to evaluate any benefit on live birth rates of surgical resection of uterine septum in women with fertility problems.